Divorceworkshop Blog

Finding Clarity: My Journey to Ending a Marriage.
separated, divorcing, how I knew it was time to divorce Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT separated, divorcing, how I knew it was time to divorce Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

Finding Clarity: My Journey to Ending a Marriage.

Choosing to end a marriage is never an easy decision; it often lingers beneath the surface for years before becoming impossible to ignore. For many, the path toward divorce is a subtle process of emotional detachment. It’s like watching a thread slowly unwind from a spool—quiet and steady. Over time, you find yourself drifting apart, and the bond that once held you together begins to fray. The shared dreams and hopes that once united you gradually fade into distant memories.

As you navigate the complexities of marriage, a growing unease often starts to creep in—a whisper that something fundamental has shifted. You may start to question whether the relationship is still fulfilling, or if you’re staying out of obligation, fear, or uncertainty. It’s important to recognize that these feelings are valid and often signal deeper issues that need addressing. Divorce is not something we plan for when we marry, but sometimes it becomes necessary for our well-being, especially if there are forms of abuse, neglect, or a deep disconnection that have taken root in the relationship.

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Transactional Coparenting: A Practical Path Forward
divorce, coparenting, coparents Al Huntoon MSW Coparenting Specialist & Advocate divorce, coparenting, coparents Al Huntoon MSW Coparenting Specialist & Advocate

Transactional Coparenting: A Practical Path Forward

The complexities of coparenting necessitate a range of styles which means that coparenting dynamics are as varied as the parents themselves. While each circumstance is unique, a few common strategies emerge. These strategies hinge on an essential characteristic of coparenting -  the level of cooperation parents can effectively manage. These strategies significantly impact how people who are parenting from separate homes interact and function.

This article explores one such approach: transactional coparenting. This method prioritizes practicality and logistics over connection and mutual support. An understanding of the characteristics of transactional coparenting can help equip coparents with tools to establish a functional routine and effective relationship amidst the disruption of separation.

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How did the Narcissist become this way?
divorce, bullies, toxic breakups, How did they become a bully, divorcing a narcissist Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT divorce, bullies, toxic breakups, How did they become a bully, divorcing a narcissist Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

How did the Narcissist become this way?

Understanding the twists and turns of human behavior is just part of life's journey. Sometimes, we come across behaviors in others that puzzle us.. However, when these traits lean towards the spectrum of narcissism, the challenge becomes notably formidable, especially within the context of past relationships with partners or spouses. Recognizing the presence of narcissistic tendencies in a partner can occur gradually, characterized by patterns of blame, projection, deception, gaslighting, manipulation, etc.

In my journey, these realizations began to unfold in my late 30s, as I started to discern recurring behaviors within my marriage. While the decision to extricate myself from this toxic dynamic was arduous, it ultimately proved to be liberating. Yet, even after severing ties, lingering questions persisted—how does one evolve into becoming a person high on the narcissism spectrum? What are the influences that shape such behavior?

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Why every Realtor needs a Divorce Mediator in their back pocket
Divorce, real estate, mediator, divorce mediation, divorce blog Nicholas Crocitto, Mediator Divorce, real estate, mediator, divorce mediation, divorce blog Nicholas Crocitto, Mediator

Why every Realtor needs a Divorce Mediator in their back pocket

Every realtor is keenly aware of the importance of clear communication for the smooth sale of a home. They also know all about the frustration of communication breaking down and the sale derailing. When the news reaches the realtor’s ears that there is an impending divorce and the marital home will go up for sale, you can feel the stress level rise and your eyes roll.

But what if there was a way for realtors to sidestep the need to tap dance through the roles of realtor, therapist and negotiator? 

Enter the divorce mediator! Whose job it is to facilitate clear communication and help the sellers settle on the terms of the sale.

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real estate, divorcing, matrimonial home Joette Fielding real estate, divorcing, matrimonial home Joette Fielding


The first step in addressing the future of your home in a divorce is to determine the ownership. In Ontario, the matrimonial home is treated uniquely compared to other assets. Regardless of which spouse holds the title, both parties have an equal right to stay in the house until a separation agreement or court order states otherwise. This rule ensures that neither spouse can sell or mortgage the home without the other's consent.


The next step involves valuing the home to determine its worth. This valuation is typically conducted by a professional appraiser who will consider factors such as the current real estate market, the condition of the property, and comparable home sales in the area.

Accurate valuation is critical, as it impacts the division of assets and helps determine whether one spouse can afford to keep the home or if selling is the best option.


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Torn Apart: My Journey of how I lost my Son to Divorce

Torn Apart: My Journey of how I lost my Son to Divorce

Divorce can be a brutal battlefield, and amidst the wreckage of a failed marriage, I had endured 25 years of a very draining and, at times, abusive relationship. I left my marriage, and I had no idea that I would lose one of my sons as well. This loss is as real and profound as any other, yet it's shrouded in ambiguity, making it even harder to bear. He is physically absent, but he is psychologically very present. In reality, I am mourning a child who is no longer in my world, even though he's alive and well and living an hour from me.

My journey through the grief of ambiguous loss is compounded by the painful reality of my son being coercively controlled by my ex-spouse. It's a scenario that no parent should ever have to endure, but unfortunately, it's a stark reality for many of us in similar situations. Parental alienation has torn my family apart, and it's an intricate web of manipulation and emotional distance that's difficult to convey.

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Slow Death, Sudden Departure: Navigating Grief in Divorce
Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

Slow Death, Sudden Departure: Navigating Grief in Divorce

Among the many hurdles that arise during this process is learning to establish and maintain clear boundaries with your ex. Failing to set boundaries can give rise to various problems such as your personal well-being and personal space, remaining co-dependant on your ex, may complicate the financial situations and it can cause difficulties in co-parenting. By understanding these challenges, we can explore strategies to overcome them and foster a healthier and more empowering divorce journey

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