Divorceworkshop Blog

Do High Conflict personalities love their children?
divorcing, high conflict divorce, toxic breakups, Narcissist Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT divorcing, high conflict divorce, toxic breakups, Narcissist Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

Do High Conflict personalities love their children?

Growing up, I often found myself asking a question no child should ever have to wonder: Does my father truly love me? His unpredictable nature and hurtful actions left me doubting, while my mother’s steady love became my anchor in an otherwise turbulent world.

As an adult, I unknowingly repeated the cycle, marrying someone who shared traits with my father. We had children together, and over time, I began to notice troubling patterns in my ex-husband’s behavior. The same haunting question returned: Does he genuinely love our kids?

After our separation, his behavior became even more erratic and concerning. Friends would ask me, “How can a father treat his children this way?” Some even said, “Karen, maybe he doesn’t love them.” Deep down, I had to face a painful truth: I’m not sure he does.

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Why 'Knowing Who You’re Divorcing' Could Transform Your Divorce
Divorce high conflict, toxic breakups, Divorcing Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT Divorce high conflict, toxic breakups, Divorcing Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

Why 'Knowing Who You’re Divorcing' Could Transform Your Divorce

Divorce is more than a legal process; it’s an emotional, personal, and often overwhelming journey. Emotions run high, coping systems are maxed out, and the stress of navigating an uncertain future can feel relentless. During this turmoil, one of the most powerful tools to manage this storm is clarity—understanding not just who you’re divorcing, but also who you are. This insight can guide your decisions and help you move forward with greater confidence.

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Understanding DARVO: How Manipulators Shift Blame in Toxic Relationships
Divorce high conflict, high conflict, Divorcing a bully, Narcissist, DARVO Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT Divorce high conflict, high conflict, Divorcing a bully, Narcissist, DARVO Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

Understanding DARVO: How Manipulators Shift Blame in Toxic Relationships

For over 19 years, I endured a relationship filled with manipulation and emotional turmoil. At the time, I couldn’t fully grasp what was happening—the subtle, persistent tactics left me questioning my reality and constantly doubting myself. Only much later after I separated, did I discover DARVO, a tactic used by many highconflict personalities and emotional abusers, and things started to make sense. Suppose I had known about DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) earlier. In that case, I might have recognized the signs and understood how this tactic impacted my sense of self and experiences.

Understanding DARVO has helped me—and my clients and I hope it can help you—see through the confusion created by these toxic dynamics and take steps toward a healthier, more empowered life.

What is DARVO and Where Did It Originate?

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