Divorceworkshop Blog

Finding Clarity: My Journey to Ending a Marriage.
separated, divorcing, how I knew it was time to divorce Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT separated, divorcing, how I knew it was time to divorce Karen Omand, B.A Soc, B.A Than, CT

Finding Clarity: My Journey to Ending a Marriage.

Choosing to end a marriage is never an easy decision; it often lingers beneath the surface for years before becoming impossible to ignore. For many, the path toward divorce is a subtle process of emotional detachment. It’s like watching a thread slowly unwind from a spool—quiet and steady. Over time, you find yourself drifting apart, and the bond that once held you together begins to fray. The shared dreams and hopes that once united you gradually fade into distant memories.

As you navigate the complexities of marriage, a growing unease often starts to creep in—a whisper that something fundamental has shifted. You may start to question whether the relationship is still fulfilling, or if you’re staying out of obligation, fear, or uncertainty. It’s important to recognize that these feelings are valid and often signal deeper issues that need addressing. Divorce is not something we plan for when we marry, but sometimes it becomes necessary for our well-being, especially if there are forms of abuse, neglect, or a deep disconnection that have taken root in the relationship.

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