Legal Reel
The legal process can be long and costly at a time when you are struggling to figure out how to make ends meet on a single income. You will learn your legal rights, how to decide what’s most important to fight for, and what to expect throughout the divorce from a legal standpoint. You will review the 4 different legal methods available: the costs, the time, and the best option for you on how to proceed. You will have an opportunity to meet and ask our unbiased lawyer questions that pertain to your particular situation. You will learn the rules governing child and spousal support, how FRO (Family Responsibility Office) will act on your behalf, as well as how to calculate how much of the family assets you are entitled to through equalization. Finally, you will gain an understanding and the importance of a solid separation agreement and effective parenting plan. Regardless of the legal method you are proceeding with, the more you understand the legal aspects of divorce the simpler and cheaper your divorce will be.