Childrens reel

You will learn how your divorce can affect your children's development at different age levels and what behaviours to look for. Co-parenting will undoubtedly be a big adjustment for both parents and children; this workshop will help you develop the necessary skills to make this adjustment simpler. You and your ex will need to work together as a co-parenting team and learning the do’s and don’ts will make it easier. Even if your ex is uncooperative, the fact that you are attempting to be a role model will definitely help matters. You will learn the basics that are necessary for effective co-parenting and how treating it like a business can prevent conflicts from arising. You will learn how and when to set boundaries when communicating with your ex resulting in less stress. Co-parenting has many pitfall; our insights teach you how to avoid: alienation, manipulation, combativeness, while providing a safe sense of home. You will have a chance to meet and ask our Child Therapist questions during this informative workshop. Divorce is hard on children, putting them first should be your main objective. This workshop will attempt to lessen the emotional impact on them and ultimately you.