Emotions Reel

The one that leaves may have been detaching for some time. Those that are left, may have had no idea that there was any problems. And those who were on shaky grounds, never thought their spouse would actually follow through. Regardless, both you and your ex will be filled with similarly strong emotions, such as anger, betrayal, fear, anxiety… Emotions, especially strong ones, are not something we can easily turn off or control. You will learn how our brains process these emotions and how simple techniques can help manage them. Managing your emotions is extremely beneficial for your children and your mental health, but can also indirectly reduce the time and cost of your divorce. You will be introduced to some insights and exercises that will help you to regulate these difficult emotions such as breathing exercises and the ‘My Responsibility was…’™ chart. As well, you will learn the importance of a good support system and utilize ‘My Big Balloon’™ exercise that identifies who and what you need in your life right now. Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster; understanding how you can help yourself by applying your new tools will make it simpler to get through this difficult and emotional time.