DW Insights Intro Reel
You left them or they left you; either way you have decided to divorce your spouse. Your head is spinning - now what? How do I do this without disrupting my children’s lives and how can I manage financially? Watch this snippet from Step 1: Insights.
Legal Reel
For some, going through a divorce may be their first encounter with lawyers and the legal system. The myriad of rules, the legal jargon, and the combative nature of the legal system can leave you feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Watch this snippet from Step 2: Legal.
Emotions Reel
Divorce is often one-sided and rarely mutually decided upon. There are those that leave the marriage and those that have been left. Watch this snippet from Step 3:Emotions.
Finance Reel
This divorce has put your life in turmoil. How can you and your children afford to get by. Watch this snippet from Step 4: Finances.
Childrens reel
For divorcing couples who are parents, the biggest concern is commonly the emotional welfare of your children. Children are the innocent victims of divorce. Watch this snippet from Step 5: Children.
Recovery Reel
Recovery is the final step in your 6 week workshop and it focuses totally on you. It is time to shake off your old self and rediscover the new you! Watch this snippet from Step 6: Recovery.